You'll pay for all

by Dane Zajc
Dedicated to the memory of Dane Zajc, the great Slovenian Poet. Translated by Ted's fortune files.

You'll pay for all.
Most You'll pay for own birth.
A flock of hideous birds will follow you
through life,
At time of peace
and at time of unrest
It will fall upon your chest,
Wanting payment
and you'll give and give.
But salvation never comes.
There is no forgiveness.
there is no salvation for a man.
Inside you have no value, to pay for.
And you are the payment.

Za vse boš plačal.
Največ boš plačal za svoje rojstvo.
Jata zasmehljivih ptic te bo zasledovala
skozi življenje.
Ob uri miru
in ob uri nemira
se bo spuščala na tvoje prsi.
Terjala bo plačilo
in ti boš dajal in dajal.
Ampak odrešitve ne bo nikoli.
Ker ni nikjer odpuščanja.
Nikjer ni odrešitve za človeka.
V sebi nimaš vrednosti, s katero bi plačal.
In sam si plačilo za vse.

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