
Znova češnje so cvetéle
Praproti so šelestéle
zopet ptice so zapéle
veter v pesem zaodéle

Zdaj zapri oči
mirno trdno spi
jutri nov bo dan
ti boš z mano tam
s soncem obsiján
rosni modriján
v lica zasiján
in nasmeján

Daj povej mi pesem moja
Kje se skriva rima tvoja

It was my pleasure (bow)

Did i ever tell you
beautiful stranger
took my hand
made me dance

Did i ever tell you
how sweet it has been
how long will it last ?
to make me dance

Did i ever tell you
how happy i am
you are the one that
made me dance

Wanna know
don't wanna go

Did i ever thank you
for moments from
depth within eyes
thank you for dance

*to every body that danced with me