from chuck with love

And so it begins
final leg of our journey.
And what a journey it's been.
Over years, babies born,
friends and loved ones passed away,
marriages began with hope,
while others ended up with lawyers
and shared custody.

Through ups and the downs,
through laughter and tears,
we were proud.
To those with us, to those that joined
and loved
big hug to all.
For those who wished us ill,
haters, goons and morons,
that planed to hurt us,
please understand
you have right to your own opinion,
So it's logical
we have the right to voice our thoughts.
so go %#$% yourself.

-chuck lorre #591

body scape

talking to myself
is boring like equation
since you are never there
while i sleep alone
shadow figure
gone are lights and friends
kicking hate
walking a dog
do something
terrified of being alone
being alone


Engage into infinity
and meaning of life,
play quest of immortality
to make a masterpiece of your life
so your moments are written in eternity.

what brought us into being
father, egg, love or challenge

what we do in face of mortality.
beauty, rapture, fracture,
we must remember what we forget
we vomit into existence as topography of infinity
riding runaway train against entropy
super symmetry
we need to purge our-self of amnesia
stretch mental model of reality
into transcendental object at the end of time.

lose your ego, be larger then yourself
open up your courage
for non corrupted idea and seek revelation
on intergalactic journey of aesthetic contemplation.