Pleši z mano

ko jutro gori v zarji objemi hrepene,
začuti nebo za otroke, ki želijo se roditi,
daleč stran od ugasnjenih luči,
utrujenih glasov in suženjstva.
pleši do zastrnjenih zaves,
pleši do konca ljubezni,


There is a better path

In the morning 

at the cross roads 

of new time 

we will lead humanity

without corruption, greed, 

and hatred 

into a new and better form,

a human form

We will take what is ours and transcend.



rise up

rise up up NOW !!!

Enjoy in glorious resolve of this day 

this day is ours

tomorrow is ours

the future of humanity is ours

today and forever more...

You are free.

Don't you say with tears in your mouth

better stand and deliver.